Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shopping in C.h*n.a

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy :)  The other American girl is from Louisiana, whom we have gotten to know very well.  She has become a very good friend, to me and to us both.  She teaches with me at my K-12 academy and live in the same dorm.  We share a wall actually LOL so we have definitely become close friends!  The Asian girl we had not met before.  She actually asked if she could take our picture with her.  This is a typical thing that happens.. lol  

We had all just bought some bread treats from the store and was about to go into another store like Walgreens or CVS; but we didnt know if we could go inside with our open food.  So we waited outside and shared some laughs while we each enjoyed and shared our treats with each other.  That's when this girl came up and asked, in her very little and broken English if she could get a picture with us.  She was sooo happy that we did and couldn't stop smiling and thanking us.  We tried to talk with her as much as we could and are allowed; she spoke Chin3s.e so we had to be very careful.

Our conversation was not very productive because of our language barrier and gov.ernment restr.ict,ions..We must exercise wisdom in all situations and rest in knowing there is much working being done even through our WILLINGNESS!  

Surrender our hearts my friends  and let it not just end there, let it be our whole lives.  Thoughts- we can hold pure thoughts.  Actions- can be pleasing to HIM and others.  Words- can be sweet as honey on our tongues.  Be active, make action happen in your life!  There is such a need!  Be ready in and out of season!  Pr.y without ceasing!!  May HE do as HE wills in all of our lives <3

Okay, here are a few pictures for your enjoyment :D

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