Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yard sale was a success!

The sale has come and gone and wow are we glad!!  Dozier and I are very thankful to our good friends the Hicks from CLC that helped us put it together and make it happen!  SO many of our friends and loved ones donated items and we are all so very thankful to each and every person that donated their items and time to helping us get to China!

The Wednesday before the sale, Dozier and I loaded up our things on the moving truck and unloaded at CLC by 9:30 that morning.  We left to go return the moving truck and finish a few things at our house and by the time we got back to CLC around 11:30, it may have been noon, there were so many boxes undone and set out on many tables.  The youth came over and helped sort and organize the items on the tables so when we walked back in seeing everything out for the first time, it took my breath away.  We were both in awe; I had tears in my eyes.  We just kept saying "wow, I cant believe this!"  There was so much stuff for our yard sale given by so many of our loved ones... I must have walked around for maybe 20 minutes, just up and down the aisles looking at everything.  Dozier said "it looks like a store in here!"

We undid box after box, opened bag after bag.... it took us all day and most of the night.  We finally finished around 1 am.  Well, we did not really finish but we just could not go any more.  So, we all left and Dozier and I slept on a pallet for the next days.  We were sooo tired, it was comfortable and we got such good sleep.  We were very thankful we kept a few blankets to sleep on while our whole life sat on tables at the   On Thursday, the day before the sale actually began, we sold about $200 from people just helping us, or from our friends that asked to come a day early.  Bless the L.RD.  What emotions we were going through those days as we packed up some of our items either to store or take with us, but the majority, maybe about 85% of what we owned, was put into the yard sale.

Here are some pictures after getting almost everything out, I think there are just a few boxes or bags left at this point.

This picture below:  we did not get out the clothes yet.  I can not believe we did not take a picture of the mountain of clothes that piled high on the tables that are empty on the right.  there were so man clothes that at the end of Friday we decided to make a make-shift clothes rack.  The black decorative walls in the back are portable; so Dozier and Adam shoved two through the openings.  Its plywood with with paper material for decoration.  We had both top and bottom poles full and the tables looked a tiny bit thinned out by Saturday.  

The traffic of people kept us all busy and on our toes.  We had such great time meeting so many different kinds of people and just talking with some!  We certainly met some diverse people in culture and behavior!  The whole week and the sale was a huge challenge but it finally ended!  A pile of about 10-15 boxes and maybe 10 bags, I think, were left.  The items were donated to the Love Lady center and their were about 10 windows left from about 35, that we donated to habitat for humanity.

What a joyful, exhausting, and faith filled experience this sale was.  We are very gad it took place and are even more glad it is over!!!  The final count of items sold, from stuff before the sale that we sold on our own, and from the yard sale itself was just under $2,900.   WOW we are overjoyed and so humbled at every one that contributed to making this happen!  We thank you all for your support and that went into making it possible!
We love you all <3
Dozier and Michaella Lee

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yard sale preperation schedule

Hey Friends!

We are in need of some help for our moving days, in order to prepare for the yard sale. Many items have already been sold to the next tenants so that has helped greatly!  Now we will not have to get a large moving vehicle, but rather a small one!  Many of our boxes have been taken to the Church already, as we have just taken a few car loads from our house.  I have heard the "pile" is growing from other WONDERFUL friends dropping items off for the sale.

If you would like to drop off donations for our yard sale, please have your items at the Church by early morning on Thursday, August 9th.  Items can be dropped off any time Monday till next Thursday from when the student center opens, I think its open from 8am to 5pm.  The student center is the THIRD building on our Church grounds.  (It is also known as the Family Life Center to some.)  The items can be left just inside the building; there is a stack of boxes piling up already.  You can not miss it once you open the door.
Christian Life Church address:
2490 Valleydale Road, Bham, Al 35244

Alright, here is our expected schedule for this week.  Please feel free to come help, none will be turned away!!

1) Monday and Tuesday: we must complete sorting and boxing everything in our house that is going to our sale.  Not very much is left that's going to the sale so that is not going to take tremendous effort at this point. 

2) Wednesday at 8am we will get the moving truck and load everything to take it to the Church.  Any hands would be GREATLY appreciated at this time.
Our address is 94 Bushwood Road, Irondale Alabama. 
Loading the truck should not take more than just a few hours so we expect to be at the Church to unload and sort around lunch time.   

3) Thursday will be spent completely at the Church for sorting and pricing everything.  Also, making any necessary signs for the sale.  This should take place from about 8am-4pm in the student center at Christian Life Church.

4) Friday and Saturday THE SALE!!  YAY!  The yard sale hours will be 7am to 2 pm.  We anticipate getting to the Church these two days around 6am or just before.  At the close of the sale on Saturday, I am arranging for the Love Lady Center to come pick up the remaining items for their ministry.  Most of you may know, I have spent many years pouring my college Women's Ministry into the Love Lady Center.  As a little side note, they are in need of size 5 and size 6 diapers.  They are in a huge overflow of women and small children!  Praise God!  But of course, there are tangible needs to be met.  Please spread the word of their need!  They will pick up or you can drop off the diapers at the thrift store in the old Circuit City building in Irondale/Eastlake (not sure exactly what its defined) or at their main location in Eastlake.

Anyway, I feel strongly about donating everything that is left to them because of my heart and dedication to them for the last 4 years... So that means, when the sale is over we will need to put everything in boxes for quick pick up by the Love Lady mission.

You guys rock!  And Dozier and I are overwhelmed with everyone's emotional and spiritual support thus far!  Feel free to call, email or FB us with any questions that you may have.

D 205-260-7104
M 205-332-9865

Michaella Lee (and Dozier!)